How to write Call to Action button to Persuade Visitors to click more

call to action buttons
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How to write Call to Action button to Persuade Visitors to click more 93

Best Practices to write Call to Action Button to make visitor more on your website content

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are the buttons you use in your website and on your landing pages to guide users towards your goal conversion. It’s the part of the landing page that the user needs to click in order to take the action you want them to take. CTA buttons can vary in style and size depending on your goal conversion and website style. Some common examples of call-to-action buttons are:

  • Add to cart buttons
  • Free trial sign-up buttons
  • Download buttons

With respect to Call to action button, apart from call to action text , some more things are to be taken in to consideration;

  • Color of calls-to-action are very important
  • Contrast of the call-to-action is even more important (Make it stand out!)
  • Shape and the size may matter too. rounded buttons get more clicks.

Call-to-Action Button Wording

  • Express Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency gets users to take action immediately instead of holding off on the purchase. More often than not, tomorrow becomes eventually, which ends up being never. The sooner you can get people to take action, the better.

Here are some effective call-to-action phrases that will make people rush to grab what you’re selling

  • Hurry
  • Get instant access
  • Join now

Or try adding words like these to your current CTA to experiment:

  • Immediately
  • Now

Here are more action triggers expressing urgency:

  • Only X days left
  • Closing soon
  • Today only
  • Last chance
  • Offer ends on “date”

Provide Clear Instruction

It’s a well-known theory that if you want someone to perform some action, you’ll get better results by telling them exactly what to do.

MarketingSherpa have tested it and found that “click here” link text increases click-through rates by more than 8%.

So this is something to test out:

  • Click here to subscribe
  • Subscribe by Email

Express the Sense of “Joining the Community”

Joining a group of people of common goals, feeling not alone is a powerful incentive, so this is something to try:

  • Be a part of
  • Be(come) a member
  • Join the team!

Instill the Feeling of Exclusivity / Win

Everyone wants to feel special, so this can be an effective action trigger:

  • Become a VIP (subscriber)
  • Join to the winning side


Now a days, web users are getting tired of commercial CTAs pressing you to sign up to something on each page they visit.

It makes sense to avoid boring your user with the same call-to-action they see everywhere else and offer them to “learn more”. It invites the user to explore on his own without pressure.

  • Find out more
  • Learn more
  • More details
  • Get started
  • Get notified
  • Read it here!
  • I’d love updates
  • Tell me more
  • Explore more

Use Imperative Mode

Giving your readers the power to command instead of being instructed: It may work well for the certain types of readers (I know it would probably work well for me!)

  • Send Guide!
  • Send Videos!
  • Show me the data
  • Send Checklist!
  • Get my report
  • Take me there
  • Let me in
  • Send the Recipe

Try Emotional Wording

These don’t fall into a particular category but many of them are worth testing… Also some of them may match the tone of your site better than the others:

  • I want in!
  • Let’s do it
  • Yes, please!
  • Yes, I’d like to learn more
  • Sure thing!
  • I want to increase my traffic
  • I’m Ready
  • Let’s Party
  • I’m a rockstar
  • What’s the secret
  • Mom’s Only
  • Okie, Dokie
  • Get it While It’s Hot
  • Kick fear to the curb
  • See for yourself!
  • Count me in
  • Get it!
  • Discover the benefits

Power words

Finally, here are some words you may want to add to your current button to see if any yields more action:

  • Free
  • New
  • Now
  • Guarantee
  • Results
  • My (“my” work better than “your”)

Start using these Call to action buttons on your copy and get the best out of your marketing campaigns.

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