AI and VR: Transforming the Marketing Landscape

AI and VR in digital marketing
AI and VR in digital marketing

AI and VR in digital marketing

Abacus might be our first calculation system, but no one can disagree with this. It bows the seed of Machines over human and the fruits are today’s Artificial Intelligence, or we can say robotics.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term Artificial Intelligence is used as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Before AI we should have to aware about the machine language, which is the nucleus of machine intelligence. Developers use machine level language to code and function the circuit-based machine. And the first idea came from there in computer science AI sometimes called as a Machine Intelligence; it is a replicated version of human intelligence.

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Artificial Intelligence & Digital Marketing

Now the main relevance come how can AI be the face of Digital Marketing? So the point is AI used in a computer or in car or in a mobile or bike or a software to think intelligently like ABS4/ 6(Anti-lock Braking System). It helps the bikes brake to put an exact amount of reverse Torque by calculating bike’s rpm speed and working friction.

In digital marketing, our main goal is to reach the right audience, for a human. It would be lengthy and work some process, but if a brand or company uses a well-developed AI, it will help them to reach the right audience and do wonders.

An AI could give good customer service, detail analyzed report, ability to collect and handle data at a faster speed. These new evolved technologies like AI, AR (Augmented Reality),VR, various brands have been using this product to maximize their brand awareness and to provide more personalized engagement with customer. For example, Google, Facebook, Microsoft ad platforms are already using various kinds of AI to facilitate their ad service.

Virtual Reality & Digital Marketing

VR or Virtual Reality can give us a simulated or similar experience completely different from the real world. It’s a realistic image, illustrated video, 3d sound and other sensations like vibration. Light controls can replicate a user’s present on a different world.

In digital marketing, our main motive is to keep customers engaged and increase brand awareness. It not only makes the brand look good, but also makes consumers feel good. Then we can give our customers or clients an immense experience of the product beforehand through the VR. Then it will become a golden feather of the company. It eventually builds a healthy and engaging relationship with the customer.

Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, has made a drastic difference in digital marketing strategies. Standing at this moment, 171 million people are using VR. By the end of the 2020 it will be 300+million and can draw $150 Billion in revenue.

Real-Time Use Case Scenarios for AI and VR in digital marketing

AI in Digital Marketing

  • Personalized Customer Experiences: AI algorithms analyze customer data to provide tailored product recommendations, email campaigns, and website content. For example, a fashion retailer could recommend outfits based on a customer’s past purchases, browsing history, and social media preferences.
  • Chatbots and Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots offer 24/7 customer support, answering frequently asked questions, and resolving issues efficiently. This improves customer satisfaction and reduces response times.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can predict customer behavior, allowing businesses to anticipate needs and trends. For instance, a grocery store could use AI to forecast product demand based on weather patterns, holidays, and past sales data.
  • Ad Targeting: AI optimizes ad placement and targeting by analyzing user data and demographics. This ensures that ads reach the right audience, increasing conversion rates.
  • Content Creation: AI can generate content ideas, write basic copy, and even create images and videos, saving time and resources for marketing teams.
  • See the list of best Ai tools in Digital Marketing

VR in Digital Marketing

  • Virtual Try-Ons: Customers can virtually try on clothes, accessories, or even makeup using VR technology. This enhances the shopping experience and reduces returns.
  • Virtual Product Demonstrations: VR allows businesses to showcase products in immersive environments. For example, a car manufacturer could let customers experience a virtual test drive.
  • Virtual Store Tours: Customers can take virtual tours of stores, exploring products and layouts from the comfort of their homes. This expands reach and provides a unique shopping experience.
  • Real Estate Virtual Tours: Potential buyers can virtually tour properties, saving time and effort for both buyers and real estate agents.
  • Event and Conference Virtual Experiences: VR can create immersive virtual experiences for events and conferences, allowing attendees to network and engage with content in a virtual environment.

Combined AI and VR Use Cases

Virtual Showrooms: AI-powered virtual showrooms can offer personalized product recommendations and interactive experiences, enhancing customer engagement.

AI-Powered VR Experiences: AI can personalize VR experiences based on user preferences and behavior, creating more engaging and immersive interactions.

VR Training and Simulations: AI can provide real-time feedback and adapt training scenarios based on user performance, improving learning outcomes.

Companies Leading the Way in AR and VR Marketing

Several companies across various industries have successfully leveraged AR and VR for innovative marketing campaigns. Here are a few notable examples:

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Fashion and Beauty

  • L’Oréal: Known for its AR makeup app, allowing users to virtually try on different makeup products.
  • Gucci: Created a VR experience for their “Gucci Garden” concept, offering an immersive brand journey.
  • Nike: Used AR to showcase its products in real-world environments through mobile apps.


  • Volvo: Offered virtual test drives using VR technology, giving potential customers a realistic driving experience.
  • Audi: Developed an AR app to visualize different car configurations in real-time.

Furniture and Home Decor

  • IKEA: Introduced an AR app that lets customers visualize furniture in their homes before purchasing.
  • Wayfair: Offers a similar AR experience for home decor items.

Gaming and Entertainment

  • Pokémon Go: Revolutionized mobile gaming with its AR concept, bringing virtual creatures into the real world.
  • Disney: Created immersive VR experiences based on popular movies and theme parks.

Real Estate

  • Redfin: Uses AR to allow potential homebuyers to visualize furniture in empty rooms.
  • Zillow: Offers a similar AR feature to help customers envision properties.

Food and Beverage

  • Heinz: Created an AR ketchup bottle that displayed recipes and nutritional information.
  • PepsiCo: Launched a VR experience to promote its Doritos brand.

These are just a few examples of companies that have successfully incorporated AR and VR into their marketing strategies. The potential for these technologies is vast, and we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the future.

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