What is Domain Extension & its impact in SEO

Domain Extension & its impact in SEO
Domain Extension & its impact in SEO
What is Domain Extension & its impact in SEO 63
What is Domain Extension & types of domain extensions?

Domain Extension & its impact in SEO. Domain extension is known as notation at the end of the web address. So we can decide our domain extension by our own based on the availability of the domain name in the market. Though mostly 90% of the domain extension gives the identity for the website that what kind of website it will be. So we can decide our domain extension while purchasing our website. The famous domain purchasing websites are godaddy.com, bigrock.com, namechep.com etc. And the domains are classified into two types

  1. Top level Domain Extensions

    The Top level Domains are the kind of domain name is often used by the companies, Institutions etc.

  2. Second Level Domain Extensions

    The Second level domains are the kind of domain which is directly next to the Top-level domain. So it intends to register their domain name in Government legally.

The list of domain extensions are.
  1. .edu

    The domain extensions itself addresses it’s an educational website.

    Only postsecondary institution and organization that institutionally accredited by the US department of Education.

    But now a day’s most of the educational institute in India contain .ac as the domain extension. Say for example – www.sathyabama.ac.in – The in say about the Indian website

    If it is US based educational institute like oxford university look like www.ox.ac.uk

  2. .com

    The Domain extension say that it is a commercial website.

    The companies anywhere in the world can register the .com domain.

  3. .net

    It is used in the organization involved in the network technologies

    E.g – Slideshare.net

  4. .org

    This Domain extension  is used in the organization.

    Compared to. Com it is a second level domain so anyone can use .org


  5. .gov

    The Name Derives with the Government. So it is restricted and can be used only in the government websites.


  6. .info

    The name derives the information. Therefore, it is mostly used in the magazine kind of website or used for the company’s recent updates and changes.


New Domain Extensions & its impact in SEO

There are some unique domain extensions which are unknown to customers in the market.

The following list of Domain Names are – .biz, .pro, .int, .xyz, .dev, .asia, .club, .design, .shop, .green, .ong, .kwi, .bzh, .moe, .nyc, .eco

  1. .Biz –

    The name derives with the business. It was created in order to reduce the companies registering on .com.

  2. .pro –The name derives with the professional. So the Applicant for this website should provide the professional service. The applicant should be licensed by a government certification body. And it is a Third level domain

  3. .int – The name derives with the international. E.g. – www.nato.int

  4. .xyz – The Latest Domain extension started in the year 2014.

  5. .dov – Google generated this name. Initially it has been used by the public for their internal testing purpose and now it has become general public on March 1, 2019.

  6. .asia – It is regional domain used in the region of Asia and Pacific.

How SEO benefits a website having a .com extension?

.com has the high domain authority as per google . Since google is one of the best search engines with respect to SEO. So obviously we have to depend on the google in order to bring our website at the top 3. Though the page rank and website can easily increase with the help of SEO. The best platform for SEO is google. since google recognizes it. We are the edge point to accept the domain extension as .com.

There are other few problems the domain extension with hurt our brand image and those websites consider as spam website. So, we need to focus on the domain authority. As it improves in search result page which increase the page ranking and the website will increase the back links.

So the websites one which contain the backlinks are the best ranking website. These websites will bring greater number of viewers to their website. If we make google happy, our Domain authority score will be always high.

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